Book Donations

We are not currently accepting book donations at the library.

Due to limited space, we are NOT accepting book donations at this time. Please do not leave donations outside the library during our closed hours, as our library staff is not responsible for donation disposal.

We have a red book cart set up at the Newfields Post Office, where you can drop off and pick up books for free—a true recycling program. However, we ask that only NEWER books (in good condition) be left on this cart. Musty books from the attic, and old text books are not likely to be taken. We ask that you donate those elsewhere.

Note: If the cart is full, please DO NOT leave additional boxes of books! This is not a dump site. The post office has been kind enough to let us keep our book cart on the premises, and we do not want to abuse the privilege.

There is a book donation drop box by the Newfields Elementary School. Or call Newmarket Public Library or Wiggin Library in Stratham to check if they need book donations. You can also drop off books at the large book donation bins in Exeter.  Wonderland Thrift Shop in Stratham also accepts book donations.

Other Donations

Occasionally we may need or accept other types of donations at the library, such as craft supplies, games, puzzles, etc.

Check the website here for a list of current needs or call the library at 603-778-8169 if you have a donation in mind.

Join the Friends

You can also support the library by joining our Friends of the Library organization for just $25/year.

The Friends raise money to help support the Library and sponsor various events and programming throughout the year. They also provide many materials and services that we could not otherwise afford.

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